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Cross and Clouds
John Allen


What is forgiveness? Mathew 18:21. Does anyone truly forget past or current sin made against us? Maybe we forget a little due to the severity or length of time but to be completely honest with ourselves. Do we forget them? Not likely, as with anyone I ask do you remember when......or has anyone done this or that to you? An honest person will answer that with "Yes" I remember when this or that was done to me. So, it would be safe to say that we don't lose our memory of what has happened to us or someone close to us. But that we do not hold it against them as to hold it against them in a revengeful mindset or to hold it against them as to remind the other person of it when we want to leverage something against them for our own selfish gain.

Forgive as God has forgiven us, I know that he continues to forgive me throughout my walk with him as I ask for His forgiveness. Even though at times I feel as he shouldn't or otherwise feel unworthy of it. I, as many do, struggle with this feeling. Although natural for us to feel that way from time to time. We shouldn't put ourselves where God has already determined to forgive us and to take his gift with the highest gratefulness that he sent his Son to forgive us of our sins against a sinless God, who cannot have any sin before him.

So, let us show this gratefulness of what God has done to us with forgiving others and not holding it against them. Easy to say, tough it can be given the circumstances but let us all work towards that goal so that we can enjoy a closer with him.

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